About us

We are committed to remembrance work in Dachau and want the heritage and the mission of the eyewitnesses to be preserved in an appropriate manner.


The International Youth Meeting Dachau is being organized by four main supporting organizations as well as a mostly voluntary team. The supporting organizations provide employees as well as financial resources and decide about the general framework of IYM Dachau. The supporting organizations are:

Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend
in der Erzdiözese München und Freising

Jana Wulf, BDKJ-Diocesan chairwoman
Preysingstr. 93, 81667 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 / 480 92 23 13

Förderverein für Internationale Jugendbegegnung und Gedenkstättenarbeit in Dachau e.V.
Andrea Heller, Managing Director
Zur alten Schießstatt 1, 85221 Dachau
Phone: +49 (0)8131 / 83303

Kreisjugendring Dachau
Ludwig Gasteiger, Managing Director
Mittermayerstr. 22-24, 85221 Dachau
Phone: +49 (0)8131 / 3567810

Evangelische Versöhnungskirche in der KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
Frank Schleicher, Deacon
Alte Römerstraße 87
85221 Dachau
Phone: +49 (0)8137 / 9953375



I am responsible for the organization and management of IYM Dachau since 2023. Thanks to my degree in Classical Studies on the one hand and my many years of experience in memorial education on the other, I have a special focus on connections between past and present. My training as a cultural manager helps me to maintain an overview when communicating with organizations, teams, participants, partners and sponsors. I am convinced that there is no better way to dispel prejudices and develop mutual understanding than through personal encounters between people from different cultural, religious, linguistic or political backgrounds. In my work, it is also very important to me to raise awareness, especially among young people, of the ways in which dictatorships develop and that democracies are not self-sustaining, but must be actively shaped in order to survive.

Karla Steeb


Over the past three years, I have been able to support the International Youth Meeting Dachau as a team member. Before that, I was able to gain insights into the Dachau culture of remembrance through my voluntary service at the Evangelical Church of Reconciliation at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial. After these experiences, I am very much looking forward to supporting the team and Anja in her role as project manager at the IYM 2024.

Vivi Tortunova


I’ve finished the Social-Cultural Activity program in the Russian State Social University and now I’m working with middle school kids. I’ve became a part of the IYM team in 2021 after being a participant for three years in a row. My new position of the digital assistant excites me a lot! I love social media, I’m a big fan of the organizational process and I enjoy having responsibilities. I hope this journey will bring me, our team and everyone else a lot of joy.


The voluntary team of IYM Dachau consists of about fifteen young adults from Germany and abroad. They take part in the organization, lead through the program, and take care of the participants throughout the two weeks of the Youth Meeting.


The International Youth Meeting Dachau is being supported by: