Due to it’s 35th year of existence, the International Youth Meeting once again became a subject of medial coverage. One of our aims is placing our interests and issues, that are being adressed on the IYM, in the public. Thus, we are hoping to focus on fields that are -in our view- underrepresented or not being stressed enough. Therefore, this year’s IYM examined, among other things, the culture of remembrance regarding national socialism, in particular focusing on marginalized prisoner groups. At the same time a lecture by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Benz, an acclaimed expert on Antisemitism and NS-history, gave attention to the parallels between Antisemitism and the recently increasing anti-muslim racism in Europe. Here you can find a variety of press articles that were published in the 35th International Youth Meeting’s wake. Enjoy!
The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” has pointed this year’s IYM’s special features out in five articles. The first one, in particular, is dedicated to the IYM’s history and structure and IYM’s long-standing eye witness Abba Naor. The second article covers the public screening of the film “Line 41” at the IYM, including the following discussion with eye witness Nathan Grossman and the film’s director Tanja Cummings. In the third article the participants have their say. They give an account of their motives for taking part and the experiences they made at the IYM. The fourth article is dedicated to the “Fest der Begegnung” and informs about the significance of eye witnesses for the IYM. The fifth arcticle refers to the lecture on “Old concepts of the enemy – new demagogues: From Antisemitism to anti-muslim cultural racism” by Prof. Dr. Benz, that took place as a close collaboration between the antiracist association “Runder Tisch gegen Rassismus Dachau e.V.” and the IYM.
The article “Against Forgetting” by the portal www.deutschland.de and the report “Learning from History” by mk online provide information on the IYM’s content and let a few participants voice their views on the IYM.